13 July 2013

Quick report: Cellardyke 13-07-13

With the lovely weather continuing I decided to take the LRF rods over to Cellardyke harbour to try to winkle out some blennies. I'd PM'd Dykerboy and found him already fishing when I arrived.

The conditions weren't best for the light gear as the temp had dropped a lot and the wind was getting up I was bloody cold in shorts and t-shirt as it was about 10 degrees colder than the morning. Not busy fishwise from the start with almost no bites at all. Dykerboy was fishing lug into the harbour for flatties and I persevered with the lures. After about an hour Dykerboy had a thick flattie of a pound or so. I looked like a brick lol.

Dykerboy had to head off shortly afterwards to wine and dine his wife for her birthday (hope you had a good night).

The wind was a real pain for the light lures so I decided to give myself another half hour before I packed up and went home. Good decision as a few casts later with the Rockfish Ultra Light my wee blenny lure was smashed.

Hmm not a blenny that's for sure. Rod bent double and me hoping that the size 10 hook was up to the task. As the lure was hit right under the harbour wall I could see a wrasse zipping about. It felt like I'd hooked a monster due to the light rod a 4lb braid I was using, really great sport. After a wee anxious moment or two I got it under control and landed it, very glad it was high tide so there wasn't much of a distance to get it up.

Very happy as it's my first wrasse, a species that for some reason has alluded me for some reason till now. Next sunny day I'll be back to try to get the blennies as well.

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