3 September 2011

Watching Sharpie catch fash Part 2

Saturday 3 September 2011

Up at 5 a.m. to find the rain still on but definitely less forceful. Baits quickly out and kettle on the boil, keeping an eye out for a break in the weather so we could break camp as dryly as possible. We eventually fished till about 9 a.m. before the rain stopped and in all that time neither of us had the fainest rattle. So it was tents and gear into the van and off to Oban for a fry up (not the cheapest but good quality).

After a few stops to recce some possible new (for us) marks we went to Taynuilt pier meet Big-Al to see if we could get any mackies. None to be had but thankfully Al had caught a few on the way up. So of it was to the Wind Sock.

New mark for me, but again not one that turned out to be fruitful on the day. Weed and tide getting the better of us. A few tangles and retrieved crack offs later the lack of any action had us combing the lowtide mark. A few goby's and butterfish under rocks and millions of crabs were an interesting aside. Sharpie retrieved around a dozen sinkers and rigs.

When the tidal rip got really bad the fishing was knocked on the head temporarily and we retired to the camp and planned to start again early morning over the next low tide. So a couple of beers, food and chat it was to be for now. Al's face was a picture when he found out just how hot the sauce in his donner pot noodle was! And sharpie must have a mouth and stomach of iron as he went on to finish the lot.

As the moths etc started to gather round the lights we noticed bats flitting about us. It was pretty cool watching them as they swooped round and between us only inches away at times. After a while though we all felt the need for some shut eye and turned in with the intention of getting up at 4 a.m. to hit the low tide. On turning in I found out that I seemed to have pitched my tent on a cobbled street as there seemed to be more rocks than grass under my tent. Despite the discomfort I was quickly out for the count.

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