2 September 2011

Watching Sharpie catch fash Part 1

Friday 2 September 2011

The plan for last weekend was to head to somewhere on Etive and meet up with Sharpie and Big-Al, hopefully for a decent spurrie session.

Sharpie was going to pick me up as he is working nearby currently and as luck would have it he finished early so we were off to Etive on the Friday night as well as the Saturday. With Big-Al wanting to fish the Windsock on Saturday we opted for the priory. Partially as it has been a productive mark for Sharpie but mostly as it is easy access to the van and ground we knew so we could pitch our camp easily enough in the dark.

It was just starting to rain as we arrived so first priority was to get the tents up and the gear inside without getting wet, which we both managed just before the heavens opened. Still it was only about 9ish and we were determined to get some fishing in despite the weather's determined effort to deter us. And it was quickly so two rods out each and waiting on the bites. As we had not actually planned to get out that night the tides was not best placed and almost at high tide as we started to fish and being a large tide we were quickly fishing on the grass by the time high tide was reached.. But we noticed that there were 100's of crabs, big and small, right round our feet and we were actaually accidentally standing on them quite often due to the sheer amount. Due to the poor fishing I actually resorted to dropping in wee bits of washed out bait and watching them scuttle about. I'm usually cursing crabs for stripping out but they actually were quite amusing to watch for a while.

By the back of midnight Sharpie had a one spur (round the 3lb mark) and a LSD and all I had was one decent feeling/fighting fish lost in a snag so we decided to get some shut eye and get up around low tide.

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