28 November 2010

Catch on your first cast, it'll be your last!


Bait -  mackie/squid/sand eels
Rigs - Pennel Pulleys
Tide - high >>> low
Place - Taynuilt pier, Loch Etive

Well with a bit of trepidation about the temperature and an eye to the weather, dad and I sent out for the shores of Loch Etive. After an uneventful drive we arrived to some of the best scenery around.

It was a brisk -3C as we left the warmth of the car to  set up. However, the air was breathless and the lack of wind actually made it fell warmer than the cars thermometer suggested it would.

It didn't take long to set up as there is a car park right at the end of the pier.

As the title of this blog suggests, I cursed us by catching on my first cast a nice big fat doggie. Dad and I thought this was a good omen but unfortunately that is where the fishing interest stopped.

But with the continuing great cloudless weather dad and I had a great day enjoying the vistas.

We were both entertained by a couple of feathered pal. A wee young cormorant which was catching a lot of wee bait fish round us.

And a plucky Robin that spent hours with us eating the crumbs from our lunch.

We packed up as the wind got up and the sun and the temperature dropped. Great day out with Paw and looking forward to another trip back to Etive.

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