14 October 2012

Wee trip to say hello to Sharpie

After an invite up to Elgin to stay with Sharpie for a night, we decided to meet up as Sandend Bay for a few hours fishing into night then see what the following day would bring weatherwise before we decided where to go.

On arrival the weather was cloudy but reasonably warm (for the time of year) and the wind no more than a stiff breeze. First thoughts were to target flatties until dark O'clock then see if there were any silver spikies about. As there were half dozen to a dozen or so surfers in the bay when we arrived we walked towards the far end of the beach to set up and see what was about. Lots of different baits went out, mackie, squid  lug, sand eel  bluey and prawns.

Things started well, first in was myself with a not bad flounder of 22cm. This was quickly followed by a belter Sharpie reeled in, 29 cm and pretty chunky.

All I was getting was casting practice (but I need it :))and stripped baits. Sharpie was much the same till after another hour he landed a lovely double shot of fat flounders at 28 and 27 cms.

The wind was building and the skies becoming more menacing as dark fell. But this didn't stop Sharpie. Another double shot of flounder 27 and 29cms.

So the flattie bash part of the session went well (for Sharpie 5-1) for the couple of hours we were at it. Unfortunately the bass hunt never really got began. A couple of casts in we were hit by a really strong wind and heavy (and bloody sore) hail storm. And after I just managed to stop my tripod going over for the second time we decided discretion was the better part of valour. We were lashed all the way back to the cars with pretty big hails stones, face and hands stinging by the time we got the gear stowed and off to Sharpies for some scran and to plan day 2.

1 comment:

  1. A day catching flatties is hard to beat, nice one, and good luck on that conger!
