So short trip up to Dundee to meet Jimmy a few how do you dos etc and off we went to Usan to start with.
First stance was a nice rocky outcropping it had a channel behind but we reckoned we had about 2hrs fishing there before we'd have to move. there were a lot of creels close in and a creel boat working them so we had to be pretty careful casting but there were a few nibbles to keep us there for a bit and I missed one cracking bite. But though the sea was fairly calm to start with over the first hour it got up a fair bit so with safety in mind we moved round to another spot.
The move here produced a lot more positive bites, with combos of lug, squid, crab, bluey and mackerel all getting interest. Firstly Jimmy has getting a few nice big knocks but nothing was hooking up. I was getting some nice bites as well but was missing them. But that was just the start of the frustration. Next wee nibble I get set to strike felt it again and, fish on. I felt a decent fish (nothing massive) thumping its tail and knocking its head. In it came until things just seized up, into a bloody snag. Nothing would shift it, I slackened off the line and left it for a while hoping the fish would lift it out but not to be. I pulled for a break and the bloody swivel went and not my weak link. More frustration to come. Next cast right back to the same spot and after only about 2 mins same again; nibble, strike, fish on, snag and broken off. The air was blue, I can laugh now but was pretty annoyed then lol.
We moved again shortly after and tried another spot but with nothing doing we decided to have round to Elephant Rock.
Again out with the rods there were loads of wee bites from the off. Jimmy got the blank off pretty soon with a small but super fat rockling and with that decided to move to the other side of where we were as he'd heard of conger being hooked.
With the bites dying off I moved over to where Jimmy was fishing to see what was what. Shortly after he had a couple of decent bites and as he lifted up his rod it slammed over and it was obvious he had something decent on. Was it cod or conger? As Jimmy was fighting it he said he could feel it rolling over and over so we both thought conger. And so it was as Jimmy quickly got it to the surface a big black shape appear below us. I'd skipped down on to some lower rocks to help land it and got a really good view, it was death rolling over and over like I've seen crocodiles on the telly and was getting wrapped up in the trace. I reckon it was in the 10-15lb range and was giving Jimmy a hell of a battle. hen just as it was out of the water and starting up to us the line went. Arrrrgh another lost fish. Looked like it had bitten through the line. Was a killer when Jimmy remembered he had a drop net in the car! Jimmy was buzzing, exasperated and exhilarated all in one. We fished on another hour but nothing more came of the session.
We're planning to go back and land the fecker soon.